Weekly Web Dev Challenge : Currency Converter


So i saw this weeks post on Scrimba and entered into the contest by adding the features and styling the page for the Currency Converter challenge -

Below is the break down how i completed the challenge -

Step 1:

Declare all the variables at top linking the fetch content values to unique variables:

Step 2 :

Create function that will do the task of validation, calculation and error handling.

Step 3:

Register click event on the button and call the function on every button click:

Step 4:

Add the logic to handle calculation, validation inside a try catch block

Step 5:

Test the application and handle all possible scenarios.

Step 6:

Last step was to add some CSS

This is how i completed the challenge and look forward to some suggestions through which i can improve the application.

Thank you for your audience.



Bishnu Prasad Chowdhury
Bishnu Prasad Chowdhury

Written by Bishnu Prasad Chowdhury

I love to learn about new technologies and new thing now and then. I get bored with thing very easily so i tend to move from one technology to another.

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